BuildWorks Canada is the largest electronic online plansroom for construction opportunities, project tendering and online bidding in Alberta. BuildWorks Canada hosts over 4,000 public bidding opportunities, and 1,500 private opportunities annually.
By posting projects of all sizes and at various stages of development in BuildWorks Canada: owners, architects, and engineers can securely share their projects and receive the best possible bids from the construction industry.
BuildWorks Canada is administered in partnership by the 8 Local Construction Associations in Alberta. BuildWorks Canada, the 8 Local Construction Associations, and the Alberta Construction Association are constantly working to engage and communicate with all construction stakeholders. Through this collaborative approach we strive to open lines of communication that will contribute to a better construction industry in Alberta. Connect your business to opportunities as BuildWorks Canada is a one-stop shop for accurate, timely Construction Tendering Information and Documents.
Obtain a FULL MEMBERSHIP membership with the LCA and immediately receive:
24/7 access to plans, specifications, addendums, and bidders lists for over 4,000 opportunities.
Email notifications for opportunities matching your profile.
New business opportunities by advertising your company on project bidders lists.
Access to the Public Directory and ability to list your firm to receive private bid invitations.
BuildWorks Canada has uploaded new training videos onto YouTube, ensuring all members can utilize their accounts to the fullest: BuildWorks YouTube Videos
Still Needing Help Navigating BuildWorks? View the YouTube tutorials:
Still need help? Contact the LCA office at 403-328-2474.